CoreAlign Strategies offers mulitple HR administrative support packages to help businesses streamline essential processes and focus on growth. Our services include managing employee records, payroll preparation, onboarding, compliance tracking, and more. With flexible packages tailored to your needs, we ensure efficient and accurate handling of HR tasks, improving workplace productivity and reducing operational stress. Whether you need basic assistance or full-scale HR support, our solutions provide the tools and expertise to keep your business running smoothly. Let CoreAlign Strategies handle the details so you can focus on driving results.
Price: $960/month Scope: Up to 16 hours per month (4 hours/week)
Services Include:
Value Proposition: The Basic Admin HR Package ensures your core HR processes are efficiently managed, providing your organization with accurate and up-to-date records and reports.Any work exceeding 16 hours in a month will be billed at $60/hour.
Price: $1,800/month Scope: Up to 30 hours per month (7.5 hours/week)
Services Include:
Value Proposition: The Standard Admin HR Package provides additional support for critical HR functions, such as benefits and training coordination, ensuring compliance and improving employee satisfaction.Any work exceeding 30 hours in a month will be billed at $60/hour.
Price:* $3,000/month* Scope:* Up to 50 hours per month (12.5 hours/week)*
Services Include:
Value Proposition: The Comprehensive Admin HR Package delivers end-to-end HR administrative support, enabling seamless payroll processing, onboarding, and compliance, giving you peace of mind that all HR functions are optimized.
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